Why choose a sustainable mattress

We spend much of our lives in bed. So it’s important to take the time and invest in figuring out what kind of mattress will give you the perfect comfort, where you always wake up rested and preferably without too many harmful materials. Well luckily for us (and everyone else), there are more choices than ever before! No longer can we only choose from one type of mattress at your local shop; now when we look around different stores/online shops, there are all shapes and sizes to choose from. From latex, hybrids to complete natural mattresses.

Why choose a natural mattress?

Natural mattresses are made from materials that come from, as the word suggests, nature. This is an eco-friendly option as the materials do not need to be processed or treated in a harsh chemical way. They are also healthier for you and your sleeping environment, as they therefore do not contain any harmful chemicals. The biggest advantage of a natural mattress is that it is also likely to be more comfortable than a mattress made of synthetic materials. This can improve your overall quality of sleep.

However, there are also disadvantages to using a natural mattress. A natural mattress you have to get used to, especially if you have slept on other variants all your life, the support may feel different. But here, as with any mattress, you always have to get used to it.

One of the most common mattresses is polyester and memory foam. These are made of various types of oil, gases and sodium chloride. Not only are the materials harmful to the environment and difficult to break down, harmful substances are also released during the production of these materials.

If you start looking at the durability of these mattresses, they are also a poor choice in this area. The lifespan of most of these mattresses (especially the cheaper variants) last only 5 to 10 years. During this period, several pits and pits develop at the hips and you simply sleep in a hole. This is not good for back support and because you will need a new mattress again after a short time, this is where cheap is expensive. This choice is certainly not sustainable.

Which materials for your mattress are sustainable?

One of the most durable mattresses on sale today is made of natural latex. This latex is made from the sap of rubber trees.

The tricky thing for nature is that it sees no distinction between latex made from oil or from rubber trees. Mother Nature also makes substances that are not good for her. Yes it is natural, but both are difficult to break down. What does make a big difference is the manufacturing process and refining of non-natural latex or rubber.

So natural latex comes from rubber trees, where a notch is made in the tree. After this, the sap that flows out is collected from which the latex is eventually made.

Natural latex is an extremely hygienic material and contains anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. This is very important because you lose a lot of moisture during the night that soaks into your mattress. You don’t want it to subsequently burst with mould which in turn is bad for your airways. In addition, you also suffer less from house dust mites. A big disadvantage is the price, but as mentioned earlier, this is relative, because cheap is just expensive in this case.

What should you pay attention to when buying a natural mattress?

There is a difference between sustainable and natural. These words are not interchangeable, a natural mattress can be sustainable but a sustainable mattress does not necessarily have to be natural. Sustainable sells and is quickly pasted on a product without actually being sustainable. It is best to choose a sustainable and natural mattress. You then know you are doing everything you can to make the right choice in your mattress. Here’s what to look out for when buying a new mattress:

  • Don’t be tempted by fancy terms, but read the small print. See if the mattress is made of natural materials and avoid terms like ‘foam’ as in memory foam or memory foam. You want natural latex an organic cotton or hemp.
  • As mentioned, also check the materials around the mattress, is the cover made of organic cotton? Absolutely top.
  • Is it possible to test sleep? Then you also know that the makers stand behind the product. Besides, it takes some time to get used to your new mattress, so it’s nice if you can test it.
  • See if the mattress maker has quality marks regarding organic cotton or other organic features. This way, you can ultimately be sure that all materials on the mattress are of good quality.
  • Are many of the mattress materials recyclable? That’s a good thing to make your ecological footprint as small as possible. Circular is unfortunately not yet possible, but you can always limit it.
  • Guarantee is important; if a manufacturer offers a 10-year guarantee or more, you know they stand behind the product.

If you come across a mattress that meets all expectations and yet is just a bit too high in price, we recommend buying it anyway. Quality products cost money, but in the long run it is better for you, the environment and your wallet.